How Many Republicans Voted For Roe Vs Wade


Roe vs Wade is a landmark case in the history of the United States. It is a Supreme Court case that ruled that women have the constitutional right to access safe and legal abortion. The case was decided in 1973 and is still a highly controversial issue in the country today. One of the interesting questions that people often ask is how many Republicans voted for Roe vs Wade. In this article, we will explore this question in detail and provide some context to the issue.

The Roe vs Wade Decision

The Roe vs Wade decision was a landmark ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States. It effectively legalized abortion throughout the country and established a woman's legal right to choose to have an abortion. The decision was handed down in 1973 and has been a highly controversial issue ever since.

The Political Climate in 1973

It is important to understand the political climate of the time in order to understand the context of the Roe vs Wade decision. In 1973, the country was politically divided over a number of issues, including civil rights, Vietnam War, and women's rights. The Republican Party was generally considered to be more conservative than the Democratic Party, and many Republicans were opposed to abortion.

How Many Republicans Voted for Roe vs Wade?

The short answer to this question is that none of the Republicans on the Supreme Court at the time voted for Roe vs Wade. In fact, all of the Republicans on the court voted against the decision. However, it is important to note that the decision was not a strictly partisan issue. There were Democrats who also voted against the decision.

The Justices Who Voted for Roe vs Wade

The decision in Roe vs Wade was a 7-2 decision. The majority opinion was written by Justice Harry Blackmun, who was appointed by Republican President Richard Nixon. The other justices who voted in favor of the decision were all appointed by Democratic presidents. They were William J. Brennan Jr., William O. Douglas, Thurgood Marshall, Potter Stewart, and Byron White.

The Republican Party's Stance on Abortion

Since the Roe vs Wade decision in 1973, the Republican Party has generally been opposed to abortion. However, there are some Republicans who support abortion rights. The party's platform generally supports a ban on abortion, but also includes exceptions for cases of rape, incest, and life-threatening situations.


So, how many Republicans voted for Roe vs Wade? The answer is none. However, it is important to remember that the decision was not strictly a partisan issue. There were Democrats who also voted against the decision. The Republican Party has generally been opposed to abortion since the decision, but there are some Republicans who support abortion rights. The issue of abortion continues to be a highly controversial issue in the United States today.

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